About Uwe and his colleagues

Uwe Burka

For over 30 years, I have been working as an international consultant and trainer for corporate, social-ecological community, village, and urban development projects with new accounting and economic forms, where I can support with my diverse wealth of experience.

As a mechanic, biodynamic farmer, and social therapist, I co-founded and helped develop two village communities in England and Thuringia, featuring biodynamic agriculture, community-supported agriculture (CSAs), several craft businesses, social and cultural institutions, as well as a new monetary system.

I gained international recognition and demand through the development of constructed wetlands and water management concepts, which I continuously improved in my village community in England thanks to my inner understanding of the “essence” of water. Prince Charles also asked me to build a system for his estate. (I also advised on his agriculture and settlement ideas). This was followed by the development of constructed wetlands for the pharmaceutical industry, concrete plants, breweries, and landfills. There were major projects across Europe, such as in Norway, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece, for which I sometimes led cross-border EU projects. I also took on exciting cross-cultural tasks in the Middle East, Egypt, Ghana, and South Africa.

Due to my holistic approach, I have been able to incorporate my skills in agriculture, settlement, and economic development in most places. For instance, I was able to provide many new impulses during the development of the city of Leipzig after the reunification and contribute to a new future direction for the city of Rome. In my planning office, I employed several engineers. Today, I particularly assist in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, and the Balkan countries in establishing “solidarity farm and educational initiatives that are meant to evolve into village organisms.” Through consultations, seminars, personnel search, and financial mediation, I help stabilize these places. “Cultural caravans” and a reality-based accounting system will connect these future-oriented locations. Furthermore, I am the founder of the “Earth and Culture” fund in the Bio-Foundation Switzerland and a co-partner of the Bauck-Höfe in northern Germany and other forward-thinking organizations. Due to these numerous activities, I have reduced my small ecological construction company to a minimum. I was born in 1956 in Bremen, have four adult children, eight grandchildren, and currently live near Lake Geneva.

Video links with Uwe Burka:

We live in a threefold society

My colleague:

An intensive collaboration has developed with Anneke Schammann, as we share the same worldview of an urgently needed new societal order. Together, we provide consultations, lectures, and seminars and are writing a practice-oriented book on societal transformation.

Due to our many years of practical and international experience, we possess the human and professional competence to identify the critical points of each problem and to propose effective solutions.

Anneke Schammann

As a traveling teacher, I come to your location upon request. Additionally, our team of currently five colleagues supports children across Europe by providing epochal guidance in crafts, science, language arts, and arithmetic arts. We also support school faculties through social-artistic work (see “Forschungs(k)reise Sozialgestalt”), Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to M. Rosenberg, experiential education, and anthropological-pedagogical themes. Moreover, we assist parents and grandparents by raising awareness on pedagogical and anthropological issues. In discussions, we identify the specific needs on-site and tailor educational support, lectures, workshops, and projects to the local and temporal possibilities. In addition to personal meetings, work formats via Zoom are also feasible. The recurring traveling teacher team brings vitality, experience, and diversity to the emerging cultural oases! Why: My concern is to connect the spirituality of pedagogy with the life reality of nature; to consciously shape the care and education of humans as beings standing between culture and nature, thus opposing the incoming transhumanism with a humane, dignified way of life that I can be accountable for to future generations. Nurturing a holistic image of humanity within us holds the possibility of supporting ourselves and our descendants in unfolding our highest potential, the original idea of humanity. Showing concrete action possibilities in this sense is the core of my work, and viewing this with a scientific soul attitude is my endeavor. dreidrittel.org

Other colleagues with whom we collaborate as needed:

Rudi Enzenbergerger

19.5 years employed at the National Bank of Austria, in 1993 purchased a farm with his wife and family. Immediately converted the farm to biodynamics and engaged in full-time farming. Founded a company with 9 organic farmers for the selection and multiplication of organic and biodynamic seeds. Served on the board of the Demeter Austria association for several years. Acted as an agricultural advisor for farmers wishing to convert to biodynamic farming methods. Along with a second colleague, conducted introductory courses for farmers on converting to Demeter. Retired since 2021, but still active. Project to integrate the farm into a non-profit organization and participate in creating a new social structure in agriculture. Website: www.hochschopf.at

Rainer Kroll

Born in Bielefeld, he now lives with his wife in a self-initiated and co-developed social-ecological multi-generational housing project in Karlsruhe. As a graduate engineer in architecture, businessman, social organizational developer, and project coordinator, he supports the creation of community-oriented and self-determined housing and living projects with his extensive experience in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and development, as a real estate developer and project developer, as a founder of food co-ops and solidarity-based agriculture initiatives, and through his voluntary and teaching activities in these areas.

Miha Pogacnik

Miha Pogacnik, master violinist and Slovenian cultural ambassador, has organized and led over two hundred international IDRIART cultural festivals to bridge the gap between East and West. Today, he organizes and leads cultural caravans that help connect people and new cultural oases. He also collaborates with large corporations to humanize future economic forms through classical music.

Together with his life partner Adriana Whitington von Runic, www.babiesmusicschool.com, he initiated the cultural oasis seed “Terra Parzival” near Borl Castle in Eastern Slovenia. https://mihavision.com/offers/

Adriana von Rudnic Withington